Request a Free Acne Consultation
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Excellence in Skin Care
Acne Treatments Atlanta GA

Effective Treatment Options for an Age-Old Problem
Acne treatments are the most sought-after skin care treatments in the United States, primarily because acne is the country’s most common skin condition. According to American Academy of Dermatology, acne affects nearly 50 million Americans. More than 40 percent of teens have acne or acne scarring that requires treatment from a skin care professional. It is estimated that more than three out of four people ages 11 to 30 have acne outbreaks at some point.
For some, acne extends well beyond the teen years into adulthood.
The acne treatments business is a $2.2 billion industry that includes prescription and over-the-counter products that may or may not work. But there are acne treatments that work. Often, the best thing to do is to skip the drug store and seek the advice of a skin care professional.
At Skintherapy, we offer acne treatments for in-clinic and at-home to help you achieve perfect skin.
Know the Enemy
Acne vulgaris is the scientific name for all those zits. It is a skin condition caused when dead skin cells and skin oil clog pores. Mild acne is defined as a few pimples or red spots, and severe acne is when pimples are large and form large, red cysts.
While acne typically begins in the teenage years, the condition can present itself in any age group.
Acne is caused by a number of factors, including overproduction of oil glands, blocking of hair follicles, and growth of bacteria on hair follicles. The following may contribute to your acne woes:
- Heredity
- Hormones or menstruation
- Emotional stress
- Medications
Available Acne Treatments
Some people may need all the solutions Skintherapy offers or multiple treatments of a singular solution, or just tune-up of their at-home skin care routine. A skin care professional can help you decide what’s right for you.
These are the top two, in-clinic treatments Skintherapy uses to treat acne:
- Deep-cleansing facial treatment: Facials minimize pores and cleanse the skin — addressing two issues that can contribute to pimples. The HydraFacial is one of the best facial treatments for addressing acne. There is no downtime with this treatment and you can see instant results of clearer skin.
- Chemical peel treatment: Chemical peels are often used to treat acne. One of the most effective chemical peels in addressing acne is the VI Peel. The VI Peel is a pharmaceutical-grade topical application that contains TCA for deep-scar healing, phenol for cleansing, salicylic acid for exfoliation, Retin-A to combat wrinkles, and vitamin C for antioxidant and exfoliation. The treatment is quick, but you may have to take a few days off from work during the week following treatment.
At-Home Maintenance
In between acne treatments or, sometimes, instead of treatments, an at-home routine should be established. At Skintherapy, we offer the Topix Clay Mint Mask, which not only fights acne but also offers anti-aging benefits for the skin.
Topix offers a variety of intensities for different skin types and problems. One of their best products for addressing acne is the Replenix Benzoyl Peroxide 5% Wash, which is an effective, yet gentle, daily wash. The Benzol Peroxid 5% Wash fights acne, blemishes, or a less than perfect skin tone. If you have oily or acne-prone skin, this is a great wash to replace your bar soap with.
Sometimes, tweaking your at-home routine can help clear up cases of acne.
Scheduling a Complimentary Consultation
The best way to identify the best treatment options for you, schedule a complimentary consultation. We’ll provide both in-clinic at at-home options that will get your acne under control and help maintain youthful and vibrant skin. Just complete and submit the consultation request form to get started.