Many skincare products, services, and procedures are designed solely to treat one or two specific skin conditions. These options can be highly effective, but when a patient is dealing with multiple skin issues, they can accumulate quickly. And, as many treatments and products can interfere with or lessen the results of other services, patients who require various condition-specific services can find themselves struggling to keep up with their skincare regimen. Thankfully, there are options for patients dealing with a wide range of skin conditions. And, one of the most compelling and effective of those options is the Vi Peel.

The Multiple Uses of the Vi Peel

The Vi Peel is a chemical peel that is performed in-office here at Skintherapy. Because of its potent cocktail of active ingredients – such as TCA (trichlorocetic acid), phenol, salicylic acid, Retin-A, and vitamin C – the Vi Peel is ideal for treating a variety of skin conditions without interfering with other treatment options. This makes the Vi Peel perfect for patients who are experiencing increased signs of aging or who want to get a head start on preventing future aging from occurring.

Here is a breakdown of the five active ingredients in the Vi Peel, and how each one works together to transform the look, feel, and health of the skin.

  1. TCA: The addition of TCA allows the Vi Peel to penetrate below the surface of the skin to smooth fine lines and wrinkles and reduce the appearance of skin pigmentation and superficial blemishes and active acne lesions. Trichlorocetic acid is also a natural analgesic, which acts to reduce pain and promote comfort throughout the Vi Peel application.
  2. Phenol: Also known as carbolic acid, this organic compound is regularly used in skin and hair products as a lightening agent. In the Vi Peel, this key ingredient helps reduce unwanted pigmentation as well as cleanse the skin of impurities.
  3. Salicylic acid: One of the most common and trusted topical acid in the skincare community, salicylic acid offers tremendous results for minimizing acne, exfoliating the skin, and evening overall skin tone. Due to its ability to remove dead skin cells and promote the growth of new, healthy skin, this rejuvenating acid can be used to reduce the appearance of many skin concerns, including fine lines and wrinkles, blemishes, pigmentation, and psoriasis.
  4. Retin-A: Commonly referred to as tretinoin, Retin-A is a form of vitamin A that is ideal for combatting acne and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. This powerful antioxidant is also more effective and less irritating than other esters of vitamin A.
  5. Vitamin C: There may not be another ingredient so profoundly useful for improving skin health than vitamin C. This antioxidant ingredient has a wide range of applications, and is regularly used to exfoliate the skin and promote youthful, vital-looking complexions.

About Jennifer

Jennifer Curtin is a medical aesthetician who is nationally recognized for her expertise in medical skin care. With more than 20 years of experience in medical aesthetics, she is dedicated to the aesthetic industry and has received awards of merit including the International CIDESCO Certification, Assistant Cosmetic Laser Practitioner and National Leadership Award. Jennifer is the president of Skintherapy, a leading med spa in the Buckhead area of Atlanta. To schedule a complimentary appointment with Jennifer, call 404-358-2961 or click here to submit a consult request online.